
Showing Affection

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Did you know that there are five different languages of love? Made popular by author Gary Chapman, these five languages are the ways people give and receive love. They are: Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Quality Time and Receiving Gifts.

These five languages are very important in fostering balance and love in our lives, especially at an early age. For children, receiving love helps them in every area of their life. So, how do you show affection?

Acts of Service

This involves doing things for others to show how much you care. You can engage your young ones when you do household chores so that they can learn that these actions benefit everyone. Using words and phrases also help to reinforce the idea that you are helpful when doing acts of service. These phrases can be: “I’ll help”, “Thanks for doing that”, “I appreciate you helping with that”, etc.

Words of Affirmation

When people hear words directed at them, they pay attention. Make sure those words are encouraging and loving. You can compliment good behaviour, praise children when they do something great or encourage them through appreciative words. Saying “I love you” is also key in showing your affection for them. Make sure you say it often.

Physical Touch

Being close to our loved ones also encourages us to reach out and give hugs and cuddles. Use your body language to convey loving emotions and to show appreciation, love and affection. Greeting our loved ones when we see them or sending them off with hugs and kisses also aids in creating closeness.

Quality Time

Spending quality time together really involves being present with them in the moment. Concentrate on having meaningful conversations. Ask questions and listen carefully to them. Engage with them and go for a walk or do activities together. Spending quality time is a great way to show you are present in their lives and care about them.

Receiving Gifts

Giving special gifts with meaning can really uplift someone’s spirit. Expressing your gratitude through a meaningful gift can really show your affection and the monetary value needn’t be high. You can also make your own gift for your little ones too. Gifts can also be used to signify a special day such as a birthday, which helps to make your loved ones feel special and important.

Showing affection using all of the languages of love really helps to foster balance in one’s life. Children who receive a good balance of these ways of showing love grow up to be well-adjusted adults. How will you show your affection today?

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