
Fall Registration has Begun!


We are very excited for the up and coming fall semester because we have been making some changes! We have been upgrading our yearly curriculum and have added and refined our themes. Our curriculum follows a theme based framework and we will be injecting more creative art and science projects for the students to complete. As well as new ways in learning letters, numbers, colors, and shapes. The following is a snap shot of one of our Art projects.

秋季学期即将到来,非常兴奋地告诉大家我们在课程上做了一些改变。 一直以来我们致力于升级年度课程,并增加和改进了每月每周主题。 我们的课程遵循主题框架,我们将为学生注入更多的创意艺术和科学项目以及学习字母,数字,颜色和形状的新途径。 以下是我们的一个艺术项目的例子。

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We also have been recruiting new teachers to join our BEE family! We are very excited that our team is growing. We all share a similar mindset, and that is we are all here for the children. We all want them to learn how to socialize, learn rules, develop good habits, learn how to respect each other, learn how to listen and most importantly, have FUN! There's no better time than being a kid, and kids should have fun. Parents, please feel free to talk to any of our teachers and get to know them better, we are very friendly and believe in open communication.

我们也一直在招聘新老师加入我们的BEE家庭,BBE的团队也随之成长。 我们都秉持同一种信念,就是一切为了孩子。 我们希望他们懂得如何社交,了解社会规则,培养良好的习惯,学会如何相互尊重,学习如何倾听,最重要的是享受这一切! 童年是最开心的时间,孩子们应该玩得开心享受其中。父母请随时与任何老师交谈,更好地了解彼此,BBE的员工们都非常友好,并相信良好沟通的必要性。

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Appointments are welcome,

please call 4000-987-712 to make an appointment. Seating is limited and we have 6 locations conveniently located around Shanghai. We are able to accept students starting at 24 months and recruiting stops once seats are filled! Come see what the BUZZ is about!

请致电4000-987-712预约。BBE在上海有6个中心,均座位有限。 我们能接受最小24个月的学生,一旦招满即停止招生!快来预约参观吧!

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