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News and updates can be found on our Busy Bee Blog! Enjoy!新闻和更新可以在我们的小蜜峰博客上找到! 请享用!
2021年6月7日Hello All! We will not continue publishing our blog articles through this website. Please click the link below for all future blog posts, Thank you! The Bee Team2021年5月21日With the weather just getting nicer and nicer, it’s a great time to head outdoorsand do something fun! Why not spend a day at the zoo? Not only is it a great way to get some exercise (walking around), but also great for the kids to see different species of animals from around the world! Here...2021年5月20日A great topic to talk about during Circle Time with kids is the weather. It’s a topic of choice for everyday conversation and something that affects us all! Discussing the weather allows children to observe the many different climates they experience, which adds to their understanding of the...查看更多课程
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We are an english preschool learning center for children aged 2 to 6. 我们是2至6岁儿童英语学前教育中心。